PhD students
Current PhD students
Past PhD students
Research assistants
Current research assistants
Past research assistants
Visiting scholars
Current visiting scholars
Past visiting scholars
Current GlobaLS’ collaborators
Past GlobaLS’ collaborators
Diana Roig-Sanz
Coordinator of GlobaLS – ICREA Research Professor (February 2021-) and ERC Starting Grant holder – PI of MapModern. Social Networks of the Past
Ainamar Clariana-Rodagut
Postdoctoral researcher (IN3-UOC and Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Ventsislav Ikoff
Postdoctoral researcher (ERC StG project MapModern – “Social Networks of the Past”)
Laura Fólica
Postdoctoral researcher (ERC StG project MapModern – “Social Networks of the Past”)
Alessio Cardillo
Postdoctoral researcher (ERC StG project MapModern – “Social Networks of the Past”, IN3-UOC)