Past GlobaLS’ collaborators

Ramón y Cajal Research Fellow – Universitat de les Illes Balears
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Marta Puxan-Oliva
Marta Puxan-Oliva was a GlobaLS team member from 2017 to 2020.
A senior Ramón y Cajal researcher in the literary theory section of the Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics at the Universitat de les Illes Balears, she is also a member of the research groups LiCETC (UIB) and GLiCiART (UB).
She has taught and conducted research at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, the Universitat de Barcelona, Harvard University, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She was awarded a Marie-Sklodowska Curie Research Fellowship (2012-15) by the European Commission and has engaged in several academic stays abroad (Harvard, University of Chicago, Princeton, and New York University).
She specializes in comparative literature, with expertise in narrative theory, racial studies, world literature, and ecocriticism. She has published essays in journals such as English Studies, The Journal of World Literature, Atlantis, The Journal of Narrative Theory, Amerikastudien/American Studies and Mississippi Quarterly.
Her first book Narrative Reliability, Racial Studies and Ideology in the Modern Novel (Routledge 2019) crosses the development of narrative reliability (as a technique) with racial ideology and conflict in texts by Joseph Conrad, James Weldon Johnson, William Faulkner, Albert Camus, and Alejo Carpentier.
Her current project explores crime in oceans in contemporary literature and film from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Selected Bibliography
Rotger, Neus, and Marta Puxan-Oliva. “The Novel after the Global Turn: Decentered Perspectives from the Spanish Literary Field”. Studies in the Novel, vol. 53, no. 3, 2021. Forthcoming.
Rotger, Neus, Diana Roig-Sanz, and Marta Puxan-Oliva. “Historicizing the Global: An Interdisciplinary Perspective”.Special issue of Journal of Global History, introduced and edited by Neus Rotger, Diana Roig-Sanz, and Marta Puxan-Oliva, vol. 14, no. 3, 2019.
Puxan-Oliva, Marta. Narrative Reliability, Racial Conflicts and Ideology in the Modern Novel. Routledge, 2019, 278 pp.
Puxan-Oliva, Marta. “Colonial Oceanic Environments, Law and Narrative in Herman Melville’s ‘Benito Cereno’ and Juan Benet’s ‘Sub Rosa’”. English Studies, vol. 4, no. 99, 2018, pp. 426-441.
Puxan-Oliva, Marta, and Annalisa Mirizio. “Rethinking World Literature Studies in Latin American and Spanish Contexts”. Special issue of Journal of World Literature, introduced and edited by Marta Puxan-Oliva and Annalisa Mirizio, vol. 2, no. 1, 2017.