Past visiting scholars

University of Oslo
Visiting period: September 2019 – April 2020
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Jorge J. Locane
Jorge J. Locane is an associate professor of Spanish-language literatures and cultures at the University of Oslo.
He studied literature at the University of Buenos Aires and has a PhD from the Free University of Berlin. His doctoral thesis was awarded the German ADLAF prize and published by Iberoamericana/Vervuert with the title Miradas Locales en Tiempos Globales.
As a postdoctoral researcher, he participated in the ERC project “Reading Global. Constructions of World Literature and Latin America”, hosted by the University of Cologne, which yielded his monograph De la Literatura Latinoamericana a la Literatura (Latinoamericana) Mundial (De Gruyter), on the (non) international circulation of literature and editorial policies. Throughout said ERC project, he also coedited a collective volume, together with Gesine Müller and Benjamin Loy, titled Re-Mapping World Literature. Writing, Book Markets and Epistemologies between Latin America and the Global South (De Gruyter). With Daniel Nemrava, he coedited Experiencias Límite en la Ficción Latinoamericana (Literatura, Cine, Teatro) (Iberoamericana/Vervuert).
He cofounded the bilingual magazine Alba. Lateinamerika Lesen, dedicated to cultural mediation between Latin America and Germany since 2012, and has authored two collections of poems.
His research interests focus on translation, editorial policies, poetry, cultural and literary theory, reception, and south-to-south transfers. His current project focuses on the cultural relations between Latin America and China.