
Research assistant (ERC StG project MapModern – “Social Networks of the Past”, IN3-UOC)
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Jimena del Solar Escardó
Jimena del Solar Escardó is a linguist and visual artist. She began her art studies at the Universidad Católica del Peru and completed them at the Universitat de Barcelona, with a Postgraduate degree in Visual Culture Studies and Projects.
She later graduated in Linguistics at the Universitat de Barcelona, and since 2007 she has carried out research tasks in the area of speech and language technologies, both in the academic field (UB, UPF, UAB, UNED) and in private sector projects (Verbio).
This double profile has allowed Jimena to explore the relationships and limits between art and language, while developing an interest in translation and transfers between both codes from a format perspective. This research is the basis of the contemporary art collective “Escardó & Machó”, of which she has been a member since 2015 and where she has presented projects in Barcelona, Paris and Lisbon, including installations, texts and artist’s books.
She has recently joined the ERC StG project “Social Networks of the Past. Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959” as a research assistant.