La investigadora Ana Kvirikashvili ha publicat un article titulat State Cultural Policies in Georgia’s Small Book Market. Case of the Translation Grant Programme “Georgian Literature in Translation” (2010–2018) a la revista lituana Knygotyra. Aquest article forma part d’un número especial sobre ‘Small Book Markets in Europe’ editat per Miha Kovač (Universitat de Ljubljana) i Arūnas… Continueu llegint Ana Kvirikashvili publica un nou article: “State Cultural Policies in Georgia’s Small Book Market. Case of the Translation Grant Programme “Georgian Literature in Translation” (2010–2018)”
Categoria: Sin categoría
Diana Roig-Sanz, nomenada professora d’investigació ICREA Sènior
La coordinadora de GlobaLS i IP del projecte ERC – Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959 (Grant agreement nº 803860) , Diana Roig-Sanz, ha estat nomenada Professora d’Investigació Sènior per la Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA).Amb aquest nomenament, Roig-Sanz valora que també “es reconeix la feina… Continueu llegint Diana Roig-Sanz, nomenada professora d’investigació ICREA Sènior
Ainamar Clariana realitza una estada de recerca a la Universitat d’Oxford Brooks
Ainamar Clariana, investigadora de GlobaLS i del projecte ERC – Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959 (Grant agreement nº 803860), es troba d’estada de recerca virtual a la Universitat d’Oxford Brooks en el marc del projecte European Cinema Audiences. Aquest projecte de recerca comparatiu, liderat pels IP Daniela Treveri… Continueu llegint Ainamar Clariana realitza una estada de recerca a la Universitat d’Oxford Brooks
An interview to our Principal Investigator Diana Roig-Sanz
In this link you can see our Principal Investigator Diana Roig-Sanz (ERC Starting Grant holder and Ramón y Cajal Senior Research Fellow) talking about her experience working at the UOC. The UOC has the Human Resources Excellence in Research badge, the quality seal that recognizes the ability to generate a research-friendly work environment, encouraging study… Continueu llegint An interview to our Principal Investigator Diana Roig-Sanz
KU Leuven Doctoral Scholarships
KU Leuven promoters can apply for a 4 year PhD project for a candidate from a developing country who wishes to obtain a doctorate at KU Leuven. The project must address a topic that is relevant for sustainable development. To strengthen the embeddedness of the research within the concerned country, a co-promoter affiliated with a… Continueu llegint KU Leuven Doctoral Scholarships
Call of “la Caixa” Foundation Doctoral Fellowships
We like to inform you that the Call of “la Caixa” Foundation Doctoral Fellowships is open in case you are interested. The deadline of the different Doctoral Fellowships is in February 2021. More information here!
Women Writers Day
19th October 2020 marked the Women Writers Day. To commemorate women writers around the world, GlobaLS has joined the initiative of the National Library of Spain and has compiled a list of 10 women writers who have changed literature. See our selection on the blog of the Arts and Humanities department of the UOC (in… Continueu llegint Women Writers Day
La literatura de urgencia durante el coronavirus: ¿cuándo hay que escribir para no caer en la banalidad?
Marta Puxan-Oliva was interviewed by to discuss when to write about COVID-19 and not to fall into banality. She mentions that it is always a good time to write. Furthermore, times of literature and illness are multiple, as is the case with the times of war. She concludes by saying that the historical moment… Continueu llegint La literatura de urgencia durante el coronavirus: ¿cuándo hay que escribir para no caer en la banalidad?
Call for Abstracts: Conference ‘The Complexity of Social-Cultural Emergence: Biosemiotics, Semiotics and Translation Studies’ – KU Leuven (Belgium), 26-28 August 2021
Kobus Marais, Reine Meylaerts and Maud Gonne are organising a conference on ‘The Complexity of Social-Cultural Emergence: Biosemiotics, Semiotics and Translation Studies’, to be celebrated on 26-28 August 2021 at the KU Leuven. The call for abstracts is open until 01 December 2020. For more information read the full call here. Organizers:● Kobus Marais (University… Continueu llegint Call for Abstracts: Conference ‘The Complexity of Social-Cultural Emergence: Biosemiotics, Semiotics and Translation Studies’ – KU Leuven (Belgium), 26-28 August 2021
9th Making of the Humanities conference, UOC-UPF – POSTPONED to 2021
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Society for the History of the Humanities has decided to postpone the 9th Making of the Humanities conference, originally scheduled for the fall of 2020, to 20-22 September 2021. Panels and papers on any period or region are welcome. Special interest is given to work that transcends the history… Continueu llegint 9th Making of the Humanities conference, UOC-UPF – POSTPONED to 2021