We are pleased to announce the next international conference Cultural Organizations: Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s). It will take place in Barcelona from November 18 to 20, 2020. Even though an on-site format is preferred, an online version of this conference might be considered if future updates on the Covid-19 outbreak advise it.… Continueu llegint International conference Cultural Organizations: Between the Local and the Global (1880-1960)
Categoria: Sin categoría
100 World Histories in 100 Words: Interview to our Principal Investigator Diana Roig-Sanz
What does Global History mean for us? With this video, Diana Roig-Sanz (CON ENLACE INTERNO A TEAM > RESEARCHERS > DIANA ROIG-SANZ) joins the project “100 World Histories in 100 Words”, that gathers 100 scholars all over the world working with the notion of the global in different fields. The project is led by the… Continueu llegint 100 World Histories in 100 Words: Interview to our Principal Investigator Diana Roig-Sanz
Call for papers for the 9th Making of the Humanities conference, UOC-UPF. Barcelona, 21-23 September 2020
Panels and papers on any period or region are welcome. Special interest is given to work that transcends the history of specific humanities disciplines by comparing scholarly practices across disciplines and civilisations. Neus Rotger is part of the local organizing committee. Final deadline for the submission of abstracts and panel proposals: 7 May 2020.
Goal of the Making of the Humanities (MoH) Conferences
The MoH conferences are organized by the Society for the History of the Humanities and bring together scholars and historians interested in the history of a wide variety of disciplines, including archaeology, art history, historiography, linguistics, literary studies, media studies, musicology, and philology, tracing these fields from their earliest developments to the modern day. The… Continueu llegint Goal of the Making of the Humanities (MoH) Conferences
UOC opens call for postdoctoral research stays
The UOC’s Research and Innovation Committee has approved the publication of a call for five new three-year postdoctoral research stays at the UOC. The places are aimed at teaching staff and postdoctoral researchers specialized in any of the areas of knowledge covered by the University’s research groups. The deadline to apply is 1 March. The… Continueu llegint UOC opens call for postdoctoral research stays
Doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT “la Caixa”
30 PhD fellowships for researchers willing to carry out their PhD project in any research domain and any university or research center in Spain or Portugal.Application deadline: 12 February. The doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT “la Caixa” is devoted to attracting talented Early-Stage Researchers—of any nationality—who wish to pursue doctoral studies in Spanish or Portuguese territory.… Continueu llegint Doctoral fellowship programme INPhINIT “la Caixa”
Workshop on translating humour
Laura Fólica will give a workshop on translating humour at the “36es Assises de la Traduction Littéraires”, in Arles (8-10 November). The workshop will explore translation from French into Spanish based on the works of Alphonse Allais, compiled and translated by the workshop leader in the anthology La ciencia no respeta nada (La Fuga, 2018).
CFP: Dossier “Gatekeepers o cómo se produce la literatura latinoamericana mundial”
We are happy to announce a call for papers for the dossier “Gatekeepers o cómo se produce la literatura latinoamericana mundial”, edited by Ana Gallego Cuiñas and Jorge J. Locane. The dossier will be part of the Revista Chilena de Litertura, n. 105. Read the full call (es) (pdf). Contact: Ana Gallego Cuiñas (anag@ugr.es) and… Continueu llegint CFP: Dossier “Gatekeepers o cómo se produce la literatura latinoamericana mundial”
Dossier “Políticas de la poesía latinoamericana. Soportes y circulaciones disidentes”
Coordinated by Irina Garbatzky (UNR) and Jorge J. Locane (UOC), the dossier “Políticas de la poesía latinoamericana. Soportes y circulaciones disidentes” brings together a series of contributions dedicated to the examination of poetry as a literary form that problematizes the conventions of the concentrated publishing industry: its management logic, its material supports and its modes… Continueu llegint Dossier “Políticas de la poesía latinoamericana. Soportes y circulaciones disidentes”
European Research and Innovation Days
Diana Roig-Sanz attends the European Research and Innovation Days. The event takes place in Brussels, Belgium, from 24 to 26 of September 2019.