Congrés internacional “Rethinking Film and Cinema History through Global and Digital Approaches (early 20th century-1970s”

Obert el termini de presentació de propostes per participar al congrés Rethinking Film and Cinema History through Global and Digital Approaches (early 20th century-1970s), organitzat per Diana Roig-Sanz, Ainamar Clariana i Pablo Suárez-Mansilla, investigadors del projecte ERC StG “Social Networks of the Past. Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959” del Laboratori de Recerca en Estudis… Continueu llegint Congrés internacional “Rethinking Film and Cinema History through Global and Digital Approaches (early 20th century-1970s”

Congrés Internacional “Rethinking Film History Through Global and Digital Approaches (Early 1920s – Early 1970s)”

Del 4 al 7 d’octubre de 2022 se celebrarà al Campus Poblenou de la UOC el congrés internacional Rethinking Film History Through Global and Digital Approaches (Early 1920s – Early 1970s), organitzat per Diana Roig-Sanz, Ainamar Clariana i Pablo Suárez-Mansilla, investigadors del projecte ERC StG Social Networks of the Past. Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary… Continueu llegint Congrés Internacional “Rethinking Film History Through Global and Digital Approaches (Early 1920s – Early 1970s)”

GlobaLS organitza i participa al simposi “La novela en el ámbito literario global” (Universidad de Granada)

Neus Rotger, investigadora del Laboratori de Recerca en Estudis Literaris Globals (GlobaLS), dirigeix, juntament amb Azucena G. Blanco, el simposi internacional La novela en el ámbito literario global, que és en part fruit del monogràfic coordinat per Neus Rotger a la revista Ínsula.  En aquest simposi, també participaran com a conferenciants Diana Roig-Sanz, coordinadora de… Continueu llegint GlobaLS organitza i participa al simposi “La novela en el ámbito literario global” (Universidad de Granada)

International Symposium on Global Literary Studies: Key Concepts

The International Symposium on Global Literary Studies: Key Concepts is a conference organized by the Global Literary Studies Research Lab (GlobaLS, 2017 SGR 1143), at the IN3-UOC (Barcelona), and by the ERC StG project ‘MapModern – Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959’, funded by the European Research Council (ERC)… Continueu llegint International Symposium on Global Literary Studies: Key Concepts

International Conference: Cultural Organizations. Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s)

Organized by the ERC StG project “Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity (1898-1959)” (Grant agreement No 803860), led by Diana Roig-Sanz (CON ENLACE INTERNO A TEAM > RESEARCHERS > DIANA ROIG-SANZ) (IN3 – Arts and Humanities Department, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). Given the exceptional circumstances surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic, the… Continueu llegint International Conference: Cultural Organizations. Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s)

Webinar: Between the Nation and the World: the Role of Translation and Para-Diplomatic Initiatives in the Circulation of Small/Minor/Peripheral/Less Translated Literatures

Monday, June 29 2020 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and on Tuesday, June 30 2020 from 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. [through Google Meet]. The ERC StG project “Social Networks of the Past. Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1989-1959” (Grant agreement No 803860), part of the Global Literary Studies Research Lab (GlobaLS), organizes… Continueu llegint Webinar: Between the Nation and the World: the Role of Translation and Para-Diplomatic Initiatives in the Circulation of Small/Minor/Peripheral/Less Translated Literatures