Projecte ERC StG - MapModern Congressos i seminaris Durada Desembre 2018 - desembre 2023 Sobre el projecte. Equip Publicacions Webinar: Between the Nation and the World: the Role of Translation and Para-Diplomatic Initiatives in the Circulation of Small/Minor/Peripheral/Less Translated LiteraturesCongressos, ERC CongressosReadInternational Conference: Cultural Organizations. Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s)Congressos, ERC CongressosReadInternational Symposium on Global Literary Studies: Key ConceptsCongressos, ERC CongressosReadCongrés internacional “Rethinking Film and Cinema History through Global and Digital Approaches (early 20th century-1970s”Congressos, ERC CongressosReadCongrés Internacional “Rethinking Film History Through Global and Digital Approaches (Early 1920s – Early 1970s)”Congressos, ERC CongressosRead
Webinar: Between the Nation and the World: the Role of Translation and Para-Diplomatic Initiatives in the Circulation of Small/Minor/Peripheral/Less Translated LiteraturesCongressos, ERC CongressosRead
International Conference: Cultural Organizations. Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s)Congressos, ERC CongressosRead
Congrés internacional “Rethinking Film and Cinema History through Global and Digital Approaches (early 20th century-1970s”Congressos, ERC CongressosRead
Congrés Internacional “Rethinking Film History Through Global and Digital Approaches (Early 1920s – Early 1970s)”Congressos, ERC CongressosRead