Convocatorias Convocatorias Congreso internacional «Rethinking Film and Cinema History through Global and Digital Approaches (early 20th century-1970s)»Descarga la convocatoria en pdfVersión en castellanoLeerConvocatoriasCall for Papers: International Conference “Cultural Organizations: Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s)”Descarga la convocatoria en pdfVersión en castellanoLeer
Congreso internacional «Rethinking Film and Cinema History through Global and Digital Approaches (early 20th century-1970s)»Descarga la convocatoria en pdfVersión en castellanoLeer
ConvocatoriasCall for Papers: International Conference “Cultural Organizations: Between the Local and the Global (1880s-1960s)”Descarga la convocatoria en pdfVersión en castellanoLeer