Pablo Suárez-Mansilla
Pablo Suárez-Mansilla is a research fellow in the ERC StG project “Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959”, a member of the Global Literary Studies Research Lab, and a doctoral student in «Society, Technology and Culture» at the IN3-UOC, in Barcelona. He is also a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam in the Department of Media Studies and the Amsterdam School of Heritage, Memory and Material Culture.
Under the supervision of Diana Roig-Sanz and Julia Noordegraaf, he is writing a doctoral thesis that handles the role of Ibero-American cultural mediators and intercultural transfers in the transnational film field during the interwar period from the analytics of the digitised periodicals archives in an inquiry entwining comparative cinema, media and periodical studies, cultural sociology and digital history.
His research interest lies in cultural analysis at the crossroads of history, philosophy, politics and society from an interdisciplinary perspective that he addresses with empirical methods of the social sciences and the humanities. He trained in Communication Sciences (BA, USC, in Galiza) and Aesthetics and Film Studies (MA, UPF, in Barcelona).
He is a member of The Netherlands Research School for Media Studies (RMeS) and the CREATE Lab in the UvA, and he is an external collaborator of the Audiovisual Studies Research Group at USC. Besides the academic field, he makes videos and installations.
Bibliografia seleccionada
Suárez-Mansilla, Pablo y Ventsislav Ikoff. “Intercultural transfers in cinema dynamics. A global and digital approach to early writings on cinema through the Uruguayan periodicals archive”. The Palgrave Handbook of Comparative New Cinema Histories, editado por Daniela Treveri, Pierluigi Ercole y Lies Van de Vijver, Palgrave Macmillan, 2024.